Hi team!
The March for Healthy School Food is less than a month away. Here's what you can do to help promote the event.
1. Register to March with us! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-for-healthy-school-food-tickets-58785172032
2. Buy your T-Shirt (sales end May 22nd!) https://fundit.realthread.com/shop/march-for-healthy-food
3. Share the March for Healthy School Food registration link and flyer (attached) with your parent groups, PTAs and on social media using #MarchForHealthySchoolFood #healthykids!
4. Print and post this flyer all over your neighborhood!
Questions? Email me at nychsfa@gmail.com
Together we can make a difference in the lives of 900,000 public school children. Thank you!
