Hi team!
It's been a while since I updated you all. We continue to move forward, pushing for our agenda with Council and the Mayor. I have a meeting with Deputy Chancellor Ursalina Ramirez to discuss our four big picture asks as well as more doable lower hanging fruit (sweetened milk, water jets, sliced fruit) on April 30th.
We are part of the official school food task force known as The OFNS Working Groups. We have representatives on the menu, policy and communications teams and we are hopeful that we can use this platform to effect meaningful change across the city. So far we are in the vision and early goals and action items stages.
We have our next parent meeting on April 16th, this time the format is a Q&A with all of the executive leadership of school food in attendance to discuss your concerns, issues, and ideas. Please come and share this link to register! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nyc-healthy-school-food-alliance-qa-with-office-of-food-and-nutrition-services-tickets-59136182915
We are planning our March. Unfortunately we have had to change the date to Sunday June 9th because of a conflicting parade but better to find out now then closer to the date. Flyers are in the works!
We continue to speak at CECs, Community Boards, and PTAs and to work to spread the word beyond our bubble in Brooklyn. Please let me know if you can organize a meeting or panel for me to speak at!
Speaking of panels, I will be part of one on The Birth and Evolution of Kid Food at NYU on April 9th. http://events.alumni.nyu.edu/events/the-birth-evolution-of-kid-food-/event-summary-e5c67dab10a0435d8115adabb99a4701.aspx?RefID=reminder&utm_source=reminder&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=steinhardt_kidfood
Also, stay tuned for my story on school food coming out on Mark Bittman's new site in the next week.